
Thoughts and Concerns

I have returned from a weekend packed full of events.
Going on vacation with Kyle's family was fun, and I'm glad I went. We spent the past four days crammed into a car, sleeping in some random guys house, spending days at Dollywood where I screamed my head off and paid way too much for a coke, wondering where we would spend our last night, and finishing it off with the zoo and a long drive full of tired,crying children.
Everything a family vacation should be.

Unfortunately, within 1 hour or less of returning to my parents' house, I have been jerked out of the vacation mindset and forced right back into the stress ball that is my life.
Oh Lipscomb University how you plague me!
I paid $3500 for the June class, decided to take the July class at Nashville State to cut costs, but in the stress and craziness of trying to get everything straightened out I overlooked dropping the July class I signed up for at Lipscomb. And it is waayyy past the drop date that gives you money back. Will Lipscomb have mercy on me?
.Doubt it.
This has got me freaking out. If they don't give me money back, that means that not only did I pay $300 at Nashville State, but I will pay Lipscomb even more on top of that! Ugh. And then they sent a bill for the fall semester as well...where am I going to get that money???
I was already denied a loan for the summer session.
College is so dumb. It is required for a good job, but a good university is to expensive to afford.
Let's go back to times that were much more simple, where teachers didn't have to go to college to teach. ok?

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